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Someone had posted on the private-club IDworkshop@ list. . . > > If you were to look back on the entire evolution of digital identity > systems to date, what would you highlight as some of the key milestone > events? And my small contribution to the resulting was (essentially, i've edited it some). . . In terms of more recent developments in in a computing context (as opposed to, say, a context), the invention of a notion of an "" (aka /) mapped to a user and/or department/org is one of the earliest building blocks. Note that this can apply to batch processing as well as time-shared processing (i had an account when i was doing my first batch jobs on a ). This is the paper that ostensibly began the notion of time-sharing. .

R. W. Bemer, "How to consider a computer", Data Control Section, Automatic Control Magazine, 1957 Mar, 66-69
Also note that in (time share option) users could send interactive messages to each other -- this was my first personal experience with what we would today call an "" system. Also in terms of IM, the first distributed IM asthma relief & management > atrovent 20mcg inhalation canister (generic) > 4 > $135.00 system, in the sense of today's AIM/Y!/Gizmo/Skype/etc, that I heard about was MIT's Project Athena's Zephyr, which was in wide use at MIT in the latter half of the 80's. Asthma relief & management > atrovent 20mcg inhalation canister (generic) > 4 > $135.00
then there was one of the first truly personal computers, the xerox alto (conceptualized in 1972), which was subsequently networked via metcalfe & bogg's ethernet, which then gave john shoch and jon hupp the fertile ground in which to realize john brunner's sf prescient imagining of "worms" infesting computer networks. . .
Note that within Xerox, especially in Palo Alto, the Alto was essentially a production machine. At , by the late 70's, everyone had one asthma relief & management > atrovent 20mcg inhalation canister (generic) > 4 > $135.00, even secretaries - there were several thousand of them built. Email () was used extensively for everything, including communicating with building facilities.
Birrell, A. D. , Levin, R. , Needham, R. M. and Schroeder, M. D. : "". Communications of the ACM, 25(4), pp. 260-273.
In terms of , it was based on Needham & Schroeder's work, published in 1978. .
Roger M. Needham and Michael D. Schroeder, "Using Encryption for Authentication in Large Networks of Computers", Communications of the ACM, 21(12) p [asthma relief & management > atrovent 20mcg inhalation canister (generic) > 4 > $135.00] 993.
. . and which was the basis of the Authentication protocol, which pre-dated Kerberos. Oh, and in terms of Public Keys, Kohnfelder's 1978 thesis "Towards a Practical Public-Key Cryptosystem" is predicated on Diffie and Hellman's paper of 1976 "New Directions in Cryptography" as well as R, S, & A's famous paper.
R. Rivest, A. Shamir, and L. Adleman. A Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures and Public Key Cryptosystems. Communications of th ACM, 21(2):120ñ126, February 1978.
And of course, the above only scratches the surface of this large body of work. . . .

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